5 Best Travel Movies to Stir Your Wanderlust

1. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013)
“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” is a story that shares an inspiring personal development and exploration. Walter Mitty, acted by Ben Stiller, portrays a typical man who survives a routine and monotonous life by drowning himself in an appealing imagination. Once he faces challenges in the office and loses a costly photograph, he goes on a real-life journey that leads him across Iceland to the Himalayan mountains. This story reminds you that sometimes the most beautiful travels originate within yourself.
2. Eat Pray Love (2010)
“Eat Pray Love” relies on Elizabeth Gilbert’s diaries. There is a contemplation adventure that takes Julia Roberts’ character, Elizabeth, across Italy (Eat) to India (Pray) and, at last, to Bali (Love). “Eat Pray Love” demonstrates the concept underlying finding oneself, spirit, and achieving satisfaction in life’s simple pleasures. This movie illustrates that sometimes, to find yourself, you must first get lost in the world and explore different cultures and adventures.
3. Into the Wild (2007)
“Into the Wild” takes place upon the real-life narrative of Christopher McCandless, a young man who chooses to abandon his belongings and embark on a trip to Alaska, where he plans to reside in a forest. “Into the Wild” ranks among the best travel movies, exploring the allure of nature, searching for freedom, and the relevance underlying interactions between people and relationships. It’s a poignant reminder of how unknown territory often results in the most meaningful and transforming experiences.
4. The Motorcycle Diaries (2004)
“The Motorcycle Diaries” is a biographical film that draws inspiration from the travel diaries of a young Che Guevara and his friend Alberto Granado. This movie illustrates their remarkable journey with motorcycles through South America in the early 1950s, which provides a gripping story of adventure and self-exploration. In addition to highlighting the breathtaking lands of South America, the movie also focuses on the social injustices and inequalities. These experiences played a significant role in shaping Che Guevara’s revolutionary mindset and spirit.
5. Wild (2014)
Cheryl Strayed, played by Reese Witherspoon, started an incredible solo trip down the Pacific Crest Trail. Cheryl is a person burdened by personal difficulties and seeking a fresh start. There, she hikes over a thousand miles through the rugged terrain of the American West. During her journey, Cheryl faces physical and emotional challenges. Still, she does not give up and ultimately finds her healing and strength. “Wild” is a testament to the transformative power of travel and nature.
These five best travel movies are more of a film experience; they’re a window into the world’s wonders, invitations to explore the unknown territory, and they remind you that life’s most incredible adventures often begin with a single step. These movies are sure to excite your curiosity and awaken the spirit of a traveler within you, even if you plan an upcoming adventure or seek inspiration.
It is time to share your cinematic journey now that such notable travel films have inspired you. You’re welcome to meet us in Critifan, where you will find more travel films and be able to see them with other film lovers, as well as exchange your reviews and recommendations. Let’s begin your journey with Critifan!
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