Masters of the Universe
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The world of Eternia in the aftermath of Skeletor's war on Castle Grayskull, which he has won after seizing Grayskull and the surrounding city using a cosmic key developed by the locksmith Gwildor. The Sorceress is now Skeletor's prisoner and he begins to drain her life-force as he waits for the moon of Eternia to align with the Great Eye of the Universe that will bestow god-like power upon him.
Released: 1987
Category: movie
Running time: 106 min
Language: English
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Filipe Man...
**The glorious "greasy sci-fi" of the 80s: who doesn't miss the days when a rough rubber mask was a good idea in a movie?**
I'm not really a comic connoisseur. It was only when I read about this fi...
Masters of the Universe, at least the cartoon and toys, were one of the reasons I am so happy I had a childhood in the 80s... along with GI Joe and Star Wars, they were some of the most defining thing...
Somehow, Dolph Lundgren portrayed He-Man brilliantly!
This was an epic classic. And it had a young Courtney Cox!...