Edward Scissorhands

Edward Scissorhands

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A small suburban town receives a visit from a castaway unfinished science experiment named Edward.
Released: 1990
Category: movie
Running time: 105 min
Language: English
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tania andrew


Vincent Price has spent his life working on a labour of love - a "son", an artificially constructed person that lacks only hands - for which he temporarily has two pairs of scissors. Sadly, the creato...
tania andrew

Andre Gonz...

Love this movie. It's like a non evil Freddy Kruger. The ending could have been better though....
tania andrew


Very enjoyable. It's funny the way we picture things in our minds. I had heard of <em>'Edward Scissorhands'</em> but actually knew very little about it, typified by the fact I was expecting this to...
tania andrew


Take the story of Frankenstein's monster, remove the hateful creator, and replace the little girl's flowers with a brightly pastel Reagan-era suburb. Though not my personal favorite Tim Burton film, I...