About a Boy

About a Boy

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Will Freeman is a good-looking, smooth-talking bachelor whose primary goal in life is avoiding any kind of responsibility. But when he invents an imaginary son in order to meet attractive single moms, Will gets a hilarious lesson about life from a bright, but hopelessly geeky 12-year-old named Marcus. Now, as Will struggles to teach Marcus the art of being cool, Marcus teaches Will that you're never too old to grow up.
Released: 2002
Category: movie
Running time: 101 min
Language: English
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tania andrew


Really like this movie. Hugh Grant before he started playing himself....
tania andrew


"Will" (Hugh Grant) lives a life of leisure living off the royalties of a Christmas song written by his grandad. He dates a succession of women but usually neither party want much more than a quickie....
tania andrew

John Chard

It didn't kill me softly. Will is self centered and has cast off all his responsibilities. But during one of his more dubious scams to date single mothers, he is forced to reconsider his moral fi...