Lawn Dogs

Lawn Dogs

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In the affluent, gated community of Camelot Gardens, bored wives indiscriminately sleep around while their unwitting husbands try desperately to climb the social ladder. Trent, a 21-year-old outsider who mows the neighborhood lawns, quietly observes the infidelities and hypocrisies of this overly privileged society. When Devon, a 10-year-old daughter from one family, forges a friendship with Trent, things suddenly get very complicated.
Released: 1997
Category: movie
Running time: 101 min
Language: English
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tania andrew


***Great plot, cast & locations, but problematic execution*** An athletic 21 year-old groundskeeper (Sam Rockwell) lives in a ramshackle trailer in the woods near a gated community and mows the law...