Fanny and Alexander

Fanny and Alexander

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As children in the loving Ekdahl family, Fanny and Alexander enjoy a happy life with their parents, who run a theater company. After their father dies unexpectedly, however, the siblings end up in a joyless home when their mother, Emilie, marries a stern bishop. The bleak situation gradually grows worse as the bishop becomes more controlling, but dedicated relatives make a valiant attempt to aid Emilie, Fanny and Alexander.
Released: 1982
Category: movie
Running time: 188 min
Language: Swedish
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tania andrew


The eponymous children (Pernilla Allwin and Bertil Guve) live an happy upper-middle class life with their theatre-manager father "Oskar" (Allan Edwall) and mother "Emilie" (Ewa Fröling) and are lookin...
tania andrew


Released in 1982 in a 5-hour version for Swedish television and cut to 180 minutes for theatrical release, <i>Fanny and Alexander</i> was meant to be Ingmar Bergman's last film. Though the great auteu...