Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

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After five (or six) years of vanilla-wedded bliss, ordinary suburbanites John and Jane Smith are stuck in a huge rut. Unbeknownst to each other, they are both coolly lethal, highly-paid assassins working for rival organisations. When they discover they're each other's next target, their secret lives collide in a spicy, explosive mix of wicked comedy, pent-up passion, nonstop action and high-tech weaponry.
Released: 2005
Category: movie
Running time: 119 min
Language: English
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tania andrew

Andre Gonz...

Awesome movie, and lots of action. I love how they try to hide that their in the same occupation from each other. Until they both end up going for the same person then things start to change....
tania andrew


This is another one of those greatly nuanced movies people just don't get. Viewers are expecting another run-of-the-mill action film so that's all they look for, and in doing that they miss so much mo...
tania andrew

The Movie ...

**Mr. & Mrs. Smith’s experienced director and cast make it the peak of the spy versus spy romantic comedy genre.** Mr. & Mrs. Smith shares a similar romantic spy versus spy plot as movies like This...
tania andrew


Been a long time since I last watched this and while not great, was certainly entertaining thanks to the charisma and chemistry between Pitt and Jolie and the action from director Doug Liman was well ...
tania andrew


Average performances, average script. What did you expect?...
tania andrew

The Movie ...

Mr. & Mrs. Smith explodes with flaming chemistry but assassinated its own script. “Brangelina”. Without Liman’s standard action comedy, we wouldn’t have had the power couple that dominated the tabloid...