Fool's Gold

Fool's Gold

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Treasure hunter Ben "Finn" Finnegan has sunk his marriage to Tess and his trusty boat in his obsessive quest to find the legendary Queen's Dowry. When he finds a vital clue that may finally pinpoint the treasure's whereabouts, he drags Tess and her boss, billionaire Nigel Honeycutt, along on the hunt. But Finn is not the only one interested in the gold; his former mentor-turned-enemy Moe Fitch, hired by rapper-turned-gangster Bigg Bunny, will stop at nothing to beat him to it.
Released: 2008
Category: movie
Running time: 112 min
Language: English
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tania andrew


It is far from a bad film...unless you are the kind of person that just can't stand a fun, pulp adventure story. Basically all this movie is is a pulp novel turned into a movie. Had it been made...
tania andrew


***Fun island thriller, but a little too long*** Released in 2008, "Fool's Gold" stars Matthew McConaughey & Kate Hudson as a couple on the verge of divorce in the Bahamas, the former a treasure-...