Mission: Impossible

Mission: Impossible

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When Ethan Hunt, the leader of a crack espionage team whose perilous operation has gone awry with no explanation, discovers that a mole has penetrated the CIA, he's surprised to learn that he's the No. 1 suspect. To clear his name, Hunt now must ferret out the real double agent and, in the process, even the score.
Released: 1996
Category: movie
Running time: 110 min
Language: English
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tania andrew


I'm not the biggest fan of the diminutive Mr Cruise - but I have to hand it to him here. Brian de Palma has created an end-to-end action adventure and he is superb in it. He brings oodles of charisma ...
tania andrew


tania andrew


Man, when this came out I was thinking that we are going to have another James Bond franchise only with an American and I was super stoked about it. Unfortunately I got my wish. This is really the ...
tania andrew

The Movie ...

**Mission: Impossible thrives on a more localized story, trading massive stunts and action set pieces for a greater focus on spycraft, theft, and espionage.** Mission: Impossible operates on a much...
tania andrew


_**Well done spy/caper thriller with Tom Cruise and an eye-rolling Scooby-Doo element**_ The Impossible Missions Force has a mission at a Prague gala concerning a CIA non-official cover list, but i...
tania andrew

Per Gunnar...

When I first saw this movie I did not like it at all. My main gripe with the movie was (and is) that it did not feel like a Mission Impossible movie. Spoilers ahead! In the original series the team...
tania andrew


While the sequences that _Mission: Impossible_ is most famous for (the ceiling-descent and train-top) are truly thrilling, absolutely everything in between these scenes is obvious and uninspired. Rare...