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In a futuristic world where the polar ice caps have melted and made Earth a liquid planet, a beautiful barmaid rescues a mutant seafarer from a floating island prison. They escape, along with her young charge, Enola, and sail off aboard his ship. But the trio soon becomes the target of a menacing pirate who covets the map to 'Dryland'—which is tattooed on Enola's back.
Released: 1995
Category: movie
Running time: 135 min
Language: English
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tania andrew

Filipe Man...

**Rather poorly edited and cut, this film is downright forgettable.** I've seen this movie twice, and I honestly can't believe it. It was truly the same as burning money. After being impressed by t...
tania andrew

John Chard

You're a fool to believe in something you've never seen. Waterworld is directed by Kevin Reynolds and jointly written by David Twohy, Peter Rader and Joss Whedon. It stars Kevin Costner, Dennis Hop...
tania andrew

John Chard

You're a fool to believe in something you've never seen. Waterworld is directed by Kevin Reynolds and jointly written by David Twohy, Peter Rader and Joss Whedon. It stars Kevin Costner, Dennis Hop...