Rest Stop
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In Texas, the aspirant actress Nicole Carrow runs away home to Los Angeles with her boyfriend Jess Hilts. They drive through a shortcut in an old road, and when they park in a rest stop, Jess is abducted by the sadistic driver of an old yellow truck. Along the night, Nicole is threatened by the sick maniac, while mysterious things happen to her in the place.
Released: 2006
Category: movie
Running time: 85 min
Language: English
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Straight-to-video had a simple but solid premise going in but throwing in a clear supernatural element (i.e. a phantom, immortal driver and vivid, interactive hallucinations) really turned me off. I w...
**No rest while a killer on the loose!**
I watch B movies, but not that regularly. This was a direct-to-video film. I know nobody from it. At first it did not feel like I'm watching a film, but lik...
So I am going to give _Rest Stop_ a rating of half a star, because it's fucking terrible, but I must admit, I did have at least a little fun talking shit about the movie with some mates.